Be more human and humane at work

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We want to see a future where every organisation embraces a positive human way of working.


Recent years have enabled us to reflect on all the good stuff that has happened during the pandemic – fresh ideas and innovation, new ways of working, increased connection with our local communities – but it also enabled us to see some of the less positive stuff where people have felt isolated and overworked. Business communities across the world continue to face challenges, the result of financial and geo-political unrest.


We believe we have an opportunity now to create a new way of working; one where…

  • No-one has to hide who they are and we are all valued and celebrated as individuals

  • Our workplaces support and nurture us to be the best we can be

  • We work together to encourage creativity and collaboration

  • Fairness and equality aren’t just words – they are built into the fabric of our organisations

  • We are appreciated, above all, as the complex, amazing human beings that we are

We know there are many organisations out there working hard to be human and building a culture that values individuals, but there are also many where the values and principles they say are important aren’t demonstrated in the lived experiences of those who work there.

So, we pledge to do what we can to shift towards a more human work experience for everyone. This means we…

  • Celebrate where we see compassion, fairness and humane action

  • Amplify the voices of the unheard

  • Call out where we see inequality and poor treatment in the workplace

Spelling it out – Go Human


Never in recent human history has the whole globe been united through shared circumstance.


The global experience has generated an openness to evolve to new ideas regardless of barriers.


Empathy is being embraced through COVID-19, the Ukraine conflict and our earth’s environmental challenges.



Everyone has been thrust into inventiveness, creativity and thinking differently.


Mental and physical health has taken a prominent place in the collective consciousness.


Embracing generations at work gains momentum with a broad age range workplace.



A culture of fast moving, light footed, willing to have a go will attitude, come out of pausing our world.


Everyone everywhere has experienced similar experiences; leadership, management, staff teams – we all can relate to what we are going through. Whether we have thrived or just survived we have all been thrust into the largest change management programme in history. Now, we all have a one-time-opportunity to broker a new employee deal, one that benefits us all.


One which enables us all to bring our whole selves to work. One which includes and values everyone. One which helps us create more human organisations for the new world of work.